Wednesday, May 19, 2010

1 Thessalonians 5:24 "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."

As most of you know, if you have been following the news headlines recently, much is going on in Bangkok right now. There is so much war and turmoil going on in the city, it is horrible. They say that this is the worst violence Thailand has had in 20 years! I'm writing this to update everyone on the situation and inform you all about what is going on in regards to myself and my trip.

It is hard to read and watch through the internet (even though caution has to be taken when getting information through the media online) my heart is saddened and I can't help me stop and ask God, "WHAT IN THE WORLD??? Really, Thailand...the ONE place that YOU chose for me to go to!!! With Haiti it was the biggest earthquake they have had in over 100 years and now Thailand's worst violence they have seen in 20 years!?!?" I am confused and quite frankly very upset, I'm not going to even try to hide it! I don't understand. GOD is the one who led me to Thailand! I had no idea where to go and he opened the doors WIDE open to Thailand! Thoughts have just been flooding my head. I want to do what God wants me to do and right now I just don't get it. I am in utter darkness, I can't see. It is a hard spot to be at. I know that I have many people that are concerned about my safety and I understand. However, I do not need to be receiving emails and opinions on the situation and what I should do. I can hardly handle it! I need to only look for what God wants me to do and listen for and to him. It is hard to explain and I know that all of you who are reading this do care about me and just want to help, but please just pray for me and for Thailand. That is what they need, what I need, not article and article about what is going on (which is only one side, the media's side). I am really trying to seek after what GOD wants for me in this situation and ultimately I am only accountable to Him! I will however, use the wisdom God has given me (as best I can). I do appreciate the love and support everyone is giving me and do understand everyone wants to help and I want everyone to understand this. But I also want everyone to JUST PRAY...pray, pray, pray...because prayer really does work!

I have been in constant contact with Claudia (my cooperating teacher I will teaching along side of, who has been living in Bangkok for 20 years now) and Elsie (the director of the school). First I contacted them to make sure they were okay, which they are. God is protecting them and they say God is in full control even during all this chaos and turmoil. Second, I of course, contacted them to seek guidance on what to do about traveling to teach in August, since the Thai Embassy issued a travel warning. It has been a long two days of praying and emails, but I finally received my answer and peace through an email from Claudia about an hour ago. (It is 3:15pm Thursday there and 2:15am Thursday here...crazy! lol). I started crying when I read the email because while I was reading it, it was almost like God was saying, "Kately, my dear one, I do have control and here is your answer to all your questions!" Here was her response to my email:

Thank you Katelyn. We are all doing fine. The school was so sweet and provided a place for us to stay safely. I am back at my house now and things are getting much better in Bangkok now. Our government has worked very hard to do a good job at trying to keep as many people safe as they can. Please don't feel worried about coming to Thailand. It is a beautiful country and the Thai people are very kind and loving. This is a very unusual time, and it seems that things will be back to the normal Thailand we all love very soon.

May the Lord give you confidence and peace as you pray for Thailand. God has a very special experience prepared for you. Please have your parents to write Mrs. Elsie or me if they have any concerns at all. We do not feel in any danger at all. We are just praying for our Thai friends here.


God has control over this situation! I have to stop focusing on the waves and continue to walk in the light of the Lord as he continues to lead me to Bangkok. Part of me feels called even stronger to go (even though this isn't a "mission trip", every thing I do should be a "mission trip" to bring people to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!) The craziness going on in Thailand almost sounds like God saying "Go" even louder. This may seem crazy, but with Haiti...the earthquake came after my plans to go were finalized and I believe with all my heart that Satan was trying his hardest to keep me from going, but I went because I was called and God did some amazing things! Now with Thailand, I see a slight similarity, but don't get me wrong, this is not the only thing I will be basing my decision of going on, I just find it intersting.

Let me end this with this:
1 Thessalonians 5:24 "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."

That is all I have for now. As it gets closer and things hopefully surface and come into the light better I will know further what God exactly has planned for me. Right now I will wait, GOD IS IN CONTORL! I will keep you all updated as things arise, but please keep praying for Thailand and myself.

All I am for Him (It is the title of my blog for a reason),

1 comment:

  1. If you can remove the "I" and the "everyone" from the equation, you will be able to truly listen to what God has in store for you. If it's about "your" safety, know that those who serve the Lord will do so unconditionally. God Bless you and guide you in your search for answers.
