Friday, November 26, 2010


These past weeks since I have been back in the country have been some of the craziest weeks. With teaching, classes, homework, work, directing the music for the Christmas play and living life in general, there is no way that I would have been able to do it without the help of God. I am not even sure how I am sitting here right now, but I am. In the past few days, being home, I have had time to rest and think. With Thanksgiving it was the time to reflect on all the things I am grateful for. At first, when you start making a list of the things you are thankful for, it is hard to start, but once I got started I was moved to tears. Here is just part of my list:

- a mom and dad, who are still married
- a brother who may drive me nuts, but makes me laugh
- a sister to share everything with
- cousins who make my life brighter
- grandparents who do love me
- a house over my head
- a nice, comfy bed
- clothes to CHOOSE from each day
- a straightner and hair products
- shampoo, conditioner, and soap
- a car that works
- a college education
- a bachelor's degree and teaching license (well, almost)
- the Bristol family and other Minnesota family
- a cellphone (actually, iPhone)
- a computer
- food, every day!
- clean water
- a hot shower with good water pressure
- heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer
(my list goes on, but you get the point)

I am so truly blessed with so many things that I take for granted every day. I need to remind myself more than I do now about how many things I do have and stop focusing on the negative things like how I will pay for this and that. It makes me angry to think about actually, how God has blessed me so much. It makes me sick to my stomach! But it is so easy to get sucked into this culture which tells me that I "need" all these THINGS, which will all fade away. You have to constantly remind yourself that you really don't NEED anything, but need to bless others because you have been blessed. Jesus said that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven. I think I finally understand him now. It is so easy to get in the mind set that you need this and that because it is better or you just have to have it! I am guilty of this! But it has to stop! I have NOTHING to complain about! I make 100 times what the average person around the world makes!!

Francis Chan has made me really think about all of this...take a listen:

It is going to be a challenge, since I live in the American culture, but if you would like to join in with me and live a life like Jesus and bless others with that which we have been blessed with, please join me. I am not saying it is going to be easy, or that I will not mess up and fall. I AM NOT PERFECT, but the Holy Spirit is convicting me right now and I had to blog about it and ask anyone else if they were feeling convicted too to join me on this jounery. I am sure within the next few days God will start talking to me more, convicting me more.

All I am is for HIM, not me. (although, that is easier said than done, things need to change and I need to renew my mind in him every day to stay focused on what truly matters)

Here is a verse God gave me today:
I Corinthians 3:18-19
"Stop fooling yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world's standards, you will have to become a fool so you can become wise by God's standards. For the wisdom of this world is as foolishness to God."