Tuesday, September 21, 2010

purple lighting

Guess what...it is still hot and humid here!!! Yippie! *sarcasim!!* I seriously am looking forward to the end of fall, beginning of winter when I get home!! I am done with sweating! Although, it makes me super happy that my mom sent me apple cider that I can make :) It is kinda fall in my room, if I turn on the air really low...oh, wait my air is broke right now!! lol oh well...mai pen rai (bascially means no worries in Thai)

A few of the funny/fun things I can remember from these past few weeks:
* one of the other 3rd grade classrooms were really good and earned a party. They wanted a snow party...haha, so they ate popsicles, made snow flakes, watched a snow video clip and made snow with a snow machine...just thought it was super funny...
* my kids can now sing 'THIS IS THE DAY' in creole and it makes me really happy!
* the youth pastor from the church I go to...hhahaaha...most of you won't get this...

These past few weeks have been packed full of learning.
Learning how to:
~ manage a classroom full of 8 & 9 year olds who love to talk and talk
~ plan weekly lesson plans
~ teach to EVERY student (super exhausting and trying!!)
~ depend on the Lord for strength and sustainment
~ trust that following the Lord is worth it (even though sacrafice is necessary)

It sure has been a whirlwind. Although, I really have been enjoying it, I am very tired each night. The kids are learning though!! (for the most part) Teaching takes a lot of work, but at least I love doing it. Otherwise, I would probably have given up by now... I have finally experienced some of my "harder" days and man, they were rough, but I sure am thankful for all the love and support I have not only from my friends and family far away, but from people here. They are wonderful! I can't say it enough, but God has truly blessed me. Getting to know everyone has been so much fun and I know I will be sad to leave. God has taught me (even more recently) how it is, again, not about me. It is about what he wants me to do, if he wants me to, I will...period. Although it will be hard, in the end, it is worth it. My cousin is getting married tomorrow...I was suppose to be in the wedding, but God called me to Thailand to pour into these children's lives...it is hard and hard for me to understand at times, but it is worth it to follow where God leads me! (CONGRATS BRIBBY! I LOVE YOU!!!)

I was reading in my devotions this moring this from Oswald Chambers...

"The aim of the missionary is to do God's will, not to be useful, not to win the heathens; he is useful and he does win the heathen, but that is not his aim. His aim is to do the will of his Lord."

This is my 6th week here. I can hardly believe it. I have one month left here. I gotta admit though, I have been getting a little homesick and minnesota-sick. There are certian times when I just miss having reliable internet, air-conditioning, food, etc...There are times when I can hardly believe that I am really in Bangkok, by myself, teaching an entire group of children, by myself...I think back to when I was in 8th grade and people told me that I would never go to college because I wasn't "capable" enough. God sure has done some amazing things with me! Here I am not only in my senior year, student teaching, but doing it overseas! Wow! To God be the glory. Teaching these children is the most amazing feeling in the world. To see them grow and learn...priceless, hard to find words to describe it. That is why when I get frustrated with the little things, it doesn't matter. God wants me here and it is not about me. I think that is why he lets the things happen, to keep me focused on what truly matters. Teaching overseas, at an international school, is waaaay different (more challenging) than teaching in the states. Before I left someone told me that it would be like that...they were right. Mostly, it is because of the language difference. Even though they all speak english (some better than others) more challenges arise...So, this experience is so valuable to me and I am really, REALLY enjoying it...even the challenges! I am not exactly sure why God wants me here. I mean I know one reason is to help these kids...there just needs to be 2 teachers in this classroom, but I am thinking possibly it is also because God wants me to be prepared to teach overseas in the future?!? I don't know, we will see. For now, I just need to focus on graduating! (I am also learning that I can't really look at the big picture...I just take it one step at a time. I can focus on God though and he is pretty big!)

I have extended my Thai vocabulary, which has been fun. I can now say don't worry about it, no spicy (lol, yea..few weeks go..ate a pepper by accident...almost died, not going to lie!), I can count, say hello and good bye, say iced coffee (suuuper important one lol), ask someone how they are and give a response, say coconut (lol) and say thank you. I am learning! It has been fun! Jessica is teaching me...slowly. I have really been able to experience more of who God is. I can see him all around me. Working in not only these children, drawing them to him (they have so many questions), but also in nature all around me. I saw purple lighting for the first time in my life a few nights ago...WOW! AMAZING! God is so much bigger than I even know! He amazes me and it is crazy that he loves me and wants me.

I have one more week of full teaching before I have to start to 'fade out'. Please pray for me in this next week. I am getting sick...I am praying it is just a cold and nothing more. However, it is my last week fully teaching and I want to be able to do it well! I have to admit, being sick in hot weather is very strange...I am not use to it and my air broke a few hours ago...God is in control though. Thank you all, so much for your prayers. God is moving! Pray that the kids keep asking questions and that God will just USE ME (and that I will just keep my eyes focused on that!)

I love you all.

All I am for Him,

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