I can hardly believe that I have been here, in Thailand, for a month now! Time is just flying by! I have really been enjoying life here, a lot. I have been getting out more and been learning how to communicate better with the people. Not only have I been able to connect more with the Thai people, but with the staff at the school and the friends I am making! Leaving will be hard. I still have 5 and 1/2 more weeks here though and look forward to these weeks to come!
Also, God has been teaching me so much. I have been learning how to let go of myself, how to die to myself every day. It is not about my desires, my wants...me, but is about GOD! I haven't got to the point yet where I can fully give God everything, but I think I am getting there. I have to admit though, it is definitely hard to die to myself. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster emtionally a lot of the time... I miss Haiti, yes, but I am here in Thailand and these kids that I am teaching need to know God and need to be loved! And I have the amazing opportunity to love on them and teach them about Jesus and the Gospel!!! I know I will be back in Haiti sometime soon, but even if I am not, I will still praise the Lord and know that HE will lead me exactly where he wants me if HE wants me back Haiti, nothing will stop me from getting there! BUT...
...All I am for the Lord...
Well, Jessica and I are going to drink our coconut/banana smoothies and watch Step Up! I'll write again soon!!
All I am for Him,
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