Monday, October 18, 2010

when one door is difficult.

[[When one door is difficult!!]] I know, I know, you are thinking, that's not how it goes, but it is the truth! My adventure teaching in Thailand has come to a close. [I have begun to pack!!] It has truly been an amazing experience and I have learned so much from this experience. I have learned things I don't think I would have ever been able to learn in the states. God has been so truly faithful to me while I was here, providing every step of the way. I was able to pour into the lives of these children and have really grown attached to them. I am going to miss seeing them, spending time teaching them, getting frustrated with them, laughing with them, seeing them grow and learn. I am also going to miss all the friends that I have made while I was here. These teachers are great! This school is so wonderful! is hard. However, it is different leaving here than leaving Haiti. I know that these kids, even though that 80% of them are Buddist, they have a good home and I know they will not go hungry. It is still hard though. They need Jesus just as much as the orphans do. I am suppose to leave now, God is calling me to something more in the states and I know this, so therefore, I will go with a good attitude. It is about the Lord, not myself. I do have, possibly, the chance to come back and teach at this school (and get paid for it) next school year in second grade...(it was thrown around loosely by the principle that there will be at least a 2nd grade teaching position open, and more position will open closer to December for next year), who knows, maybe God will lead me back here...I wouldn't mind it if that is what HE wants for me, but yea, that is a lot to think about...I will overwhelm myself if I think about it right now. It is time to get on my knees and pray. God will show me where I am suppose to be! I trust Him!

I am very much excited to see everyone in Minnesota again though. Although, I am not really looking forward to winter quite yet, but hoping for some nice autumn weather when I get back! [fingers crossed!!!] It is going to be strange though, being back in the states. I really have been outside of America for a decent amount of time! I know God will help me transition is going to be insane though! But with my God, I can scale a wall :)

Pray for me though, I really do not enjoy traveling. Pray for safe travels with no mechanical issues on the planes and no delays! Pray that my luggage arrives on time and that I can get SOME sleep on the planes, although I think that is highly is the inbetween times and not knowing if I will make my connecting flights that I do not like about flying, not necessarily the flying itself. Other things that have been creeping into my mind have just been little things like will my bags be under 50 lbs, what will immigration be like coming back? will I run into problems? It is just all of the unknowns I have trouble not worrying about, but I have talked to several people who have helped me find peace with traveling back to America. (Many who have just made the trip to America and back to Bangkok recently) Pray for me also as I process all of my emotions. It is strangely more difficult than I thought it would be. I may never see these people again...that is hard to wrap my head around. I have had a lot of trouble falling asleep lately because I am just thinking and processing head feels like it is spinning 24/7. I know God is with me, but I would really appreciate your prayers. I will keep you updated and look forward to when I land in Minnesota and can use my phone again!! Oh happy day!!

All I am for Him,

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