Thursday, October 21, 2010

I serve a GREAT God!

So, I just wanted to blog quickly about how amazing and wonderful God truly is. This morning I was really struggling with doubting how things were going to be okay if my ankle is fractured. I was talking to my family and my mom kept telling me that God has a plan, but even though I knew that I had a hard time believing it. (She also helped me focus on the positive instead of the negative) I spent time with God today, since I can't leave my room because I am on the 4th floor, and he really spoke to me and reminded me that He IS with me ALWAYS and will be my strength when I literally have none. People have been coming by left and right since school got out to bring me food and drinks and check on me. The school (ICS) has given me stronger medicine and a pair of crutches. They really do care about me. It is such an amazing school. Elsie also helped me set up for wheelchair assistance at all the airports so I will still be able to get home!:D The girls have been lifting me up with their words, laughter and sweet treats :) Actually, if something were to happen, right now is the best. (Not that I wanted to fracture my foot, but I am just saying) I am done teaching and actually have the time to rest and not walk around. God really is faithful and I refuse to focus on the negative anymore. Yea yea, I am not as mobile as before, but I am not dying and I will be just fine in time.

Get behind me Satan! God is with me and nothing you can do to me will stop me from praising His HOLY name! To God be the glory, forever and ever! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please keep praying! I can't wait to see you all soon!

To God be the Glory!

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