Friday, October 29, 2010

I knew this was coming

So, I have been back in the states for almost a week now. It has all really just been a whirlwind. I went to the doctor and found out my foot is only badly sprained, unpacked, cleaned, saw some friends and family :), enjoyed many great "American" things, repacked, drove 6 hours to Minnesota, unloaded, unpacked, saw Kari, Will and Hayden :), went to my new school where I start teaching on Monday to get my I.D. and see the school, went grocery shopping, met the Bristol girls :) and went to the Crown football game in downtown St. Paul...whew! What an crazy 6 days it has been. I have hardly had any time to process not being in Thailand so now as I lay here on my bed, although it feels so good to be back to Crown and I could not be more thrilled, I am hit with this realization that I am really not in Thailand anymore. To be honest, it is very hard to describe in words. I really miss my students. Seeing them on the background of my computer just isn't enough. I think that I am finally starting to process, which is a good thing because I really need to process this [whatever 'this' means. not quite sure yet]. I totally have to rely on God to help me know how though...I am completely clueless on how to do this...It was hard coming back from Haiti, but that was so different in so many ways...

As I lay here on my bed typing away my thoughts, trying to process through them, I look at my lights I bought in Thailand. They are so soft and beautiful and remind me so much of Thailand. I can't tell if it makes me happy or sad...I am so grateful that God blessed me with the opportunity to go and learn so much by teaching in Bangkok. Yet, I am so grateful to be back here in Minnesota with all my friends! I am not sure how I should be feeling right now. No one has really told me and I guess no one really can...I think maybe I should just go to bed because I am just in the mindset right now of just going in circles. Please keep me in your prayers as I adjust back and am missing many people in Bangkok.

All I am for Him,

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