Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the unknown

So last night, the girls took me out for one last night of fun before I head home on Saturday. Little did I know what was going to happen. As we were walking down the freakishly small steps in Bangkok, to get on the bus, all of sudden I fell. To be honest I have no idea what happened and am kind of embarrassed because I do not know what I really did. What I do know however, is the fact that I landed on my left foot/ankle and heard 3 loud cracks. I almost passed out because of I thought immediately, I just broke me ankle. This is my weak ankle, always has been since I was 9 and played soccer. I would always twist, sprain and roll this ankle so it has been weak and giving me problems ever since. I sat down on the steps as the girls and Grant, one of the husbands, tried to get me to move my foot to see if it was broken. Well, I could move it, but it didn't feel like it always does when I hurt it. I wrapped it, iced it, and kept it up all night, but had to still do some walking to get home. When I woke up this morning, I could hardly move it, but I was expecting that since it had been still all night. It isn't black and blue, but definitely hurts a lot. This just adds to everything and makes traveling home all that much harder.

I don't know what to say. The unknown has happened. I would have known that I would do this with only 2 days left, right before I have to sit on a plane for 24 hours and rush around an airport. Believe me, I don't understand why God allowed this to happen right now. I mean, I know, I am a clutz and this really isn't out of the ordinary for me, but right now, really? COME ON! I can't afford to stop walking, there is so much to do. I am frustrated and a little scared about how this really does affect everything in the coming weeks. BUT, God is on my side. He is with me. I cannot forget that. I would really appreciate your prayers right now. I love you all.

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