Sunday, August 15, 2010

a Sunday overseas

I love going to church overseas. There is just something about it that gives me goosebumps and smiles the entire time I am at church. Being with my brothers and sisters who live so far away from me almost brings tears to my eyes. Today, I went to the biggest Thai church in Bangkok, with Jessica. It was a wonderful church and I hope to attend there every Sunday I am here. It seems that churches overseas are less time concerned and more focused on just worshipping the Lord, which is what I love doing! They will just keep singing if the spirit leads them too. It is so wonderful!! (But yet they don't last for hours upon hours.) They have an english translation of the sermon you can list to so you can understand the sermon, which is really neat because you can still be in the church with the Thai in the background, yet you are able to understand what is being said. While we were worshipping together today (in Thai and English) I almost was moved to tears a few times. I was just thinking about how amazing it was that even though we don't look the same or speak the same language we could still worship our Savior together. It is experiences like this that I live for and look forward to while I am here. I could feel the presence of God in the church and its a feeling I love getting. The last time I really had it was worshipping with my Haitian friends back in March. It was fun because when we were singing 'This is the Day' I was singing it in Creole instead of English :) I have been "falling in love" more and more with this place as I get more settled and such. I can now say a few things and actually feel comfortable saying them, have been trying more and more food, and have a better sense of direction, well somewhat. Thai people are so sweet and friendly I have loved getting to know them more. The language is still tough with the tones, but I am getting use to it. God has really been helping me! He is faithful! Even though I know I love Haiti and miss it very much, God is showing me a new love I have for Thailand. He is teaching me that I can't be focused on either Haiti or only focus needs to be Himself and what he is going to do. I need to take myself out of the equation! The sermon today was really good. It was on keeping the altar in your life burning. I am suppose to be a living sacrifice daily for the Lord. It is not about me. This is something I think God is working on hard in my life right now. All I am is really for Him! It doesn't matter if my computer is acting up and is really difficult to use right now or if I can't speak or understand the language around me...God is what my eyes need to be focused on. I need to continually thank him for everything he is doing in my life and thank him for the things he has blessed me with. And then I need to continually offer my life up daily as a living sacrifice to him!! He is all I want and He is worth it! This is a learning journey for me and I am looking forward to learning along side of many other people :) I am not perfect, but I have a God who is. He will help me as I learn!

Learning how to crucify the me in myself daily,

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